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Fire Fighter Cancer Awareness Month

The Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN) and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) have designated January as Fire Fighter Cancer Awareness Month. Fire fighter occupational cancer is the leading cause of line-of-duty deaths in the fire service. This month is dedicated to providing fire fighters with tools and resources to help reduce the risk of occupational cancer through awareness and prevention.

Managing modifiable cancer risk factors is very important in preventing occupation cancer. This includes doing annual medical exams, keeping good sleep hygiene, having a well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and reducing exposure to toxic chemicals. Toxic chemicals is a problem fire fighters face often, as toxic chemicals are released in smoke and soot from all fires. Without proper PPE and decon efforts, this can result in occupational cancer.

This is why HAWAII PPE is dedicated to providing fire fighters with clean turnout gear. We know that laundering PPE gear to NFPA 1851 standards is important for reducing exposure to chemicals. As a verified NFPA 1851 facility, we are trained and have the proper tools and resources to properly clean PPE and mitigate carcinogens. Clean gear is healthy gear, and healthy gear saves lives.

For more information about Fire Fighter Cancer Awareness Month and to access resources, visit #FFCancerMonth #FightFFCancer



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